It was your typical game of pretend, "restaurant"... or so I thought!
Shiloh, who is almost 3, was the waitress taking my order. I was presented with a variety of menu options, from cake and tea, to pizza with a coke-no ice (a staple of mine).
Then, it happened.
I was faced with the decision between two items on this restaurants menu, that I had never had the choice of before. In fact, it's pretty safe to say I will never be given this choice in the real world, ever again.
As my toddler casually scribbled on her notepad, she asked, "Do you want Ballerinas or Boys?".
Ummmmm... DILEMA!!!
I'd never really thought about it until that very moment.Which would be better? I mean, Ballerinas would be so entertaining and simply, lovely!
But, what about Boys? I really could use a few extra helping hands around the house to tote this and lift that. Decisions! Decisions!
I finally settled on Ballerinas.
Although, before I could make my choice, the waitress piped in rather impatiently,
"How about Boys!"
Ok, Boys it was.
She swiftly turned to leave and retrieve my order, but stopped in her tracks. Extremely dismayed she announced, "I don't have any more Boys left".
I can only hope that will continue to be true, well into her Twenties.
It's so much fun to go. Back and. See. The (now)older kids. When they were so tiny. Kids say the funniest things too!!