Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Justin Beiber?

My oldest is in grade 2, but lately it feels more like he's in high school.
I fondly remember last year when his social activity consisted of games of tag, Toy Story themed birthday parties and conversations about SpongeBob.

Now, here are just some of the conversations I've had with him in the last month and a half of school:

-"Mom! A girl in my class has a crush on me!" (running out of school,yelling at top of his lungs)
He then proceeds to walk right up to said girl, and asks, "Don't you have a crush on me?"

-"Mom, my friend at school stuck his lunchbox up his shirt and pretended he was pregnant! Isn't that so funny?"
-"Dear boy, do you even know what pregnant means?"
-"No, but it was hilarious!"

-"Mom, you know Justin Beiber? Well, I heard him and his girlfriend just broke up!"
-"Dear son, I don't think you need to be talking to your friends about boyfriends and girlfriends in grade 2"
-"Yeah, but it's true. I think his girlfriend was Lady Gaga."

My daughter just started SK.
Should I be worried?!

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