Tuesday, 18 March 2014

IT'S SO BIG! - March 14, 2014 - ModernMom4Life Family Vlog

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen, This is the only way I really know how to comment to you since I do not comment on YouTube. Thank you for your videos; I enjoy watching them from Colorado. I just watched September 30th's video, Don't Snore, where you show your new television room arrangement... and read the comment where you said none wants to sit in the side chair anymore. I'm wondering how it would work to have you shift the sofa almost all the way to the wall of glass and to move the chair right next to the sofa, either at a 90 degree angle, like it is now, but where the arms of the sofa and chair are touching (sort of like making it like one long L-shaped seating area) OR the chair at a 45 degree angle. You would probably need to move the table that is in the corner (with the sign leaning on it)... maybe where the chair is now? The television could then go back to it's "straight" on the table arrangement - and maybe even move down closer to the glass wall. It's hard to know if this would work without physically moving it around, but I thought I'd share my idea. :) Prayers to you during this season of surgery and recovery. Carla
