Thursday, 20 February 2014


 February 20, 2014

Do you see the cuteness oozing from this picture? 

Somehow, in the blink of an eye, my little newborn turned 18 months old! She's a full-fledged toddler, running, spinning, dancing, "talking" and climbing on everything.

She spends her days trying to keep up with her older brothers and sisters. If they are racing cars, she wants to race cars. If they are reading books, she wants to read a book. If they are dressing up, then you better believe she wants to dress up!

This is where the Tinkerbell costume comes in. I scrounged around for a costume that would, sorta fit her and there you have it.

She ran around our family room ottoman for 5 minutes straight, flapping her arms above her head, squealing in pure delight. My older daughter said, "She's trying to fly!".

I agree. She is trying to fly, but I think she'll just have to settle for dizzy.

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