Friday, 19 April 2013

PICTURE OF THE DAY - April 19, 2013

In only 5 months, this little munchkin will be attending full time kindergarten.

My heart is sad as I watch her snuggled on the couch watching Max and Ruby.
I know, I know, I'll still have 2 little ones at home once school starts up in the Fall. But, she's my little helper girl. 

She loves to help me throw laundry in and push the button. She's my sous chef when I make banana bread. My little babysitter when mama needs to make lunches or clean up a mess. 
I'll miss our days of dropping off the older kids, reading library books, having snacks, playing on daddy's iPad and "fuggling"on the couch.

The thought of her going about her day without me there to watch over her and take it all in, is too much for this mama to dwell on.

So, I won't. 

Instead, I'll make sure to spend every moment taking snapshots of her little face and how she sucks her bottom lip and engrain it in my memory...  and Instagram photos.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Snow, in April?

The first day of Spring came and went, pretty unnoticed to us Canadians.

I was never expecting temperatures in the high 20's.
In fact I was shocked when three days in a row brought us sunny weather over 0 degrees!

This is what it looks like outside my window this morning.

In case you're wondering, that would be snow.
A lot of snow... that's still coming down.

Hey, why don't we throw in a little freezing rain, just to mix it up a little!

So, on this Spring day in April, school buses have been cancelled and it is officially a Snow Day.
The only highlight to this so-called "Spring weather", is getting to spend the day with all my little ones, warm and cuddly at home.

In fact, everyone stayed in bed, a whopping half hour extra this morning!

10 minutes that allowed me to snuggle the baby in my bed.

10 minutes that allowed me to spend alone with my morning devotional.

10 minutes to sip the coffee my husband left by my bedside, before he ventured out to work.

I've officially declared it Pajama Day...

Arts & Crafts Day...

and...  Super Hero Day!

Who are we kidding, every day around here is Super Hero Day!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Food Should Taste Good!

I try to keep unhealthy snacks out of our kitchen cupboards. I try, but sometimes I fail.
With seven people in the house you can imagine the begging and pleading for junk food... and that's just hubby :)

So, I am always on a quest to find the perfect junk food alternative, and I found these.

After a routine visit to my "happy place" also known to many Canadians as "Winners", I came across this deliciousness.

Doesn't the name say it all? Food SHOULD taste good and I had high hopes for these "chips".
So, I brought them home knowing my kids would be the judge of that, and boy would they judge harshly.

Turns out, they were a hit! This bag was pretty much devoured in 1 day.
I'm sure some would say it defeats the whole purpose of eating healthy. I choose to be content with the fact that it wasn't a bag of Cheetos!
This snack is everything I hoped for and more. Sweet, salty, crunchy and delicious.

The ingredients are composed of things I can actually pronounce.
Plus, there is no artificial anything. No MSG, no trans fat, it's gluten free, vegan and kosher.

We are officially obsessed with the entire experience of these Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips.
We've even discovered that dipping them in hummus makes the yum factor shoot through the roof.

Hummus, another healthy snack!

You can just give me my "Mother of the Year" plaque now.

Friday, 5 April 2013


All siblings fight.

I grew up with only one brother who was ten years younger than me and we still managed to find things to argue about!

So, you can imagine in a house with five siblings, the kind of chaos that can ensue.
Although, at the end of the day, my kids really do enjoy being together and are each others best friends.

Here are some things I've learned over the years that help foster healthy sibling relationships.

It really is true that kids learn more from example than having their ear talked off. 
They look to their parents and other influential adults in their lives to show them healthy examples of relationships.
If you don't want your kids to yell at each other, it's probably a good idea to start softening your own tone. 
Be sure to show common courtesies, like saying please and thank you.
And practice having patience, patience and more patience!

Of course it's easy to interject every time your kids fight, but giving them opportunities to solve their own conflicts will ultimately save your own sanity!
Involve them in problem solving and finding ways to resolve the conflict so everyone wins.
In our home every offense is followed by a sincere apology with a hug and kiss. You may not be able to get away with this if you're dealing with older kids, but I find showing affection really helps dilute the situation.

We get so consumed with daily tasks, appointments and extra curricular activities, it's hard to find any free time.
I'm all for getting kids involved in team sports and organized groups, but I'm also about letting kids make their own fun.
Just try letting your kids occupy themselves for an hour and you'll be amazed what they can come up with for fun. I'm talking about no T.V, computer or video games. Just let them be together and see what happens.
We don't have many playdates going on at our house. Of course we do have friends over from time to time, but kids see their friends at school for up to eight hours a day!
The only way to help build a close relationship with their siblings is to allow them time together, just them.
Create opportunities fro them to play with each other on a daily basis.

O.K, that sounds a bit sneaky, but sometimes you have to pull out all the stops!
Be intentional in the toys and activities you have around the house that will encourage the kids to play spend time together.
Board games are always fantastic since they need anywhere from 2-6 players. Also have decks of cards for impromptu games of Go Fish and War.
Other great items to have on hand include, playdough, Lego (lot's and lot's of Lego!), pretend playsets for little ones, like a kitchen or playhouse.
If you have the space and money, the best investment we ever made was getting a trampoline for the backyard! My kids have collectively spent hours upon hours jumping around in that thing.

The laughter I hear is priceless.

There may also be a few bumped heads from time to time, but everything comes with a small price!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

My Big Puppy

Grayson is my fourth born baby.

He is almost two and a half, although he looks more like he is four.

No really. He is the same height as my four year old daughter, wears size 4 clothing and officially has bigger feet than her! He was also our biggest baby at birth and has always had hands of a future football star.

You could say we've had some "challenges" raising this little man. It's tough being a sort-of middle child and having the temperament of a typical two year old with the brute strength of a small man.

You see, when he throws a toy, it flies through the air at least ten feet.

When he stomps his feet, it feels like a herd of elephants bounding through the room.

When he tackles you to the ground to "play wrestle", it feels like you've just been hit by a mini line backer.

Grayson is as snuggly and lovey-dovey as they come. He loves to run and get ice packs for everybody's boo-boo's. He's the best at giving you "smoocheroo's". He is the first one to run up to a neighbor and wave hello. And he adore his brothers and sisters, so intensely!

Sometimes life is tough for this little guy because, well, he's not so little!
I even have to remind myself that I am not dealing with a four year old school-aged child.

I've had to endure the disapproving looks of other parents who think his behaviour seems quite immature for the age they THINK he is.
The panic look on their faces when he towers over all the other kids his age, always greeting them with a smile.

We've been thinking about getting a Great Dane in the near future and have been doing a lot of research on the breed.
I've decided that Grayson is like a Great Dane puppy. Although they may seem like older dogs, they truly are still puppies just in a big dog body!

This little guy is still a toddler with every fibre of his being. He's just gotta manage his "big boy" body.
And just like the Great Dane has earned the title of "Gentle Giant" for their regal stature and affectionate personality, I couldn't think of a better summary of my little guy.

I am determined to raise tho boy with all the love, patience and gentleness I can muster. He will be a gentle giant with no need to impose his size on anybody.

He may be built to be a football player but he's also bright enough to be a doctor, lawyer or even an astronaut!

But, with a face like this, he's definitely going to be a heartbreaker :)